Monday, January 25, 2016

Calling the IRS

One of the more frustrating things in life is needing help from the IRS to solve a problem. You need to set aside about an hour to wait on the phone before you can talk to a person. Get a good book to read while you wait. You also have to prove who you are by giving them your social security number, adjusted gross income for the tax return in question, and  your date of birth. Don't call on a Monday or a Friday. Mid week is probably best. I can't help you unless I get a power of attorney from you so they will talk to me.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Due Date for the 2015 Individual Income Tax Return

The due date for your 2015 individual tax return is Monday April 18, 2016, three days later than normal due to a Washington DC holiday on the 15th. An extension can let you wait another six months until October 17, 2016 to file your return. You still have to pay all taxes due by April 18 or pay interest of 3% on an annual basis and .5%  late payment penalty per month on any unpaid tax. I urge you to file your 2015 return as soon as you can and avoid penalties, interest and uncertainty. I'm here to help you meet that goal.

Monday, January 11, 2016

2016 Standard Mileage Rates

The IRS has reduced the mileage rates in 2016. The rate for business mileage is now 54 cents per mile which is down from 57.5 cents per mile for 2015. Medical and moving mileage is now 19 cents per mile and charitable mileage is 14 cents per mile. The business mileage rate can be used for checking on rental properties too. Keep track of your trips to Goodwill to drop off donations of clothing and household goods and church volunteer work as the mileage is deductible at 14 cents per mile.

Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 Obamacare Penalty

If you don't have health insurance coverage in 2016, the penalty just increased to the greater of 2.5% of your household income or $695 per adult plus $347.50 per child limited to a family maximum of $2,085. The numbers in 2015 are 2% of household income and $325 per adult and $162.50 per child with a family maximum of $975. The penalty is calculated on your tax return on line 61.