Sunday, March 26, 2017

Hierarchy of Taxpayer Sins to the IRS

The IRS wants taxpayers to do the right thing on their tax returns and has an arsenal of penalties to enforce correct behavior. I thought it would be useful to list what I thought the IRS cares most about by a hierarchy of sins based on the level of penalties imposed starting with number 5 and going to the biggest sin.

5. Making a mistake. In this case usually no penalty is imposed at all.
4. Paying your taxes late is a .5% penalty per month on the unpaid balance.
3. Overstating expenses will get you a 20% underpayment penalty (accuracy related penalty).
2. If you don't report income reported to you on a 1099 or W-2, you are subject to a 30% penalty on the understatement amount. The IRS calls this a reportable transaction.
1. The biggest sin of all is not filing a tax return. The late filing penalty is 5% of the unpaid balance for each month the return is late up to 25%. The willful failure to pay tax or file a return is subject to a maximum fine of $25,000.

1 comment:

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